We are having a gathering of all our DIs and AIs to prepare for the exciting sailing season ahead. It’s all about getting together in a practical session to dust off the cobwebs and reacquaint ourselves with the equipment and the club procedures. Please do what you can to attend as we need to share the Instructing load across all the team this year.
During the day we will be doing the following:
- Checking and rigging the training boats
- Test Sailing the boats
- Run through the key procedures for the Centre
- Powerboat refreshers where needed
- Sail training calendar review and volunteer sheets
It is important that we get as many of the training team down as possible as the training year will soon be upon us and we all want to help our newly qualified instructors progress through positive experience. We aim to end the day with everyone confident in the equipment we use and the policies and procedures covering how we operate. All that and the volunteer spaces filled with a good time had by all.
Dig out your sailing kit - back on the water soon!
Please be there for a 9:30 start and we will finish in the afternoon well before the light fades - soup and a roll will be provided for lunch.
Andy Graham
Chief Sailing Instructor