Otley Sailing Club

Junior & Youth Thursday Sailing 2025

  • 01 May 2025
  • 6:30 PM
  • 24 Jul 2025
  • 8:30 PM
  • Otley Sailing Club
  • 8



Register for one of these sessions

Junior & Youth Sailing: Stages 3 and 4

This course will be for those sailors who have completed Stage 1 and 2 of the RYA Youth Syllabus. 

Stage 3 teaches rigging, launching and recovery, sailing in different wind directions, sailing techniques, capsize recovery and theory. Upon achieving stage 3 sailors should have the ability to launch and sail a dinghy around a triangle in moderate conditions.

Stage 4 will test knowledge from all previous stages. The course aims to refine all previous learnt skills, along with adding a better understanding of how a sail works in order to rig a boat dependent on conditions and use. You will also learn in crewed boats and not just single-handers.

Junior & Youth Sailing: Start Racing and Club Racing
These two courses combined together are for those sailors who have at least the standard of Stage 3 or 4. These courses are taken from the Advanced Modules of the RYA Youth Sailing Scheme. On completion, students will understand the basic skills and knowledge required for racing.

Junior & Youth Sailing: Seamanship
This course will be for those sailors who have completed the RYA Youth Syllabus Stages 1 through 4.

It covers a variety of more advanced techniques useful to any sailor including:
Launching and recovery in a variety of conditions
an overboard
Sailing backwards
Sailing without a rudder
Sailing without a centreboard
Reefing afloat


If you need to cancel, please give us as much notice as you can.
If you cancel more than 4 weeks before the start of the course we will refund your course fee.
If you cancel within 4 weeks of the start of the course, a refund will only be given if we are able to fill your place.

By Otley Sailing Club:

1, Every attempt will be made to ensure the course takes place. However, Otley Sailing Club reserves the right to cancel a course at any time if it believes on reasonable grounds that cancellation is necessary due to unsuitable conditions.
2, Otley Sailing Club reserves the right to cancel a course at any time if the number of Trainees fails to reach a workable minimum, such numbers to be determined by Otley Sailing Club.
3, In all other cases, weekend courses may be cancelled up to 3 weeks prior to the start date. Longer courses may be cancelled up to 4 weeks prior to the starting date.
4, If a course has to be cancelled, Otley Sailing Club will offer Trainees the following options:
4.1, a full refund of the course fee paid
4.2, an alternative course on the same date or a different set of dates

The Otley Sailing Club liability does not extend beyond points 1-4 above.


In addition to enjoyment and learning new skills, safety is of paramount importance on all Otley Sailing Club courses. Clearly, water sports and adventure activities are hazardous by their nature and participants must accept that there are risks and the inevitable bumps and scraps which happen during the thrills and spills of fast moving activities. To manage the risks so far as we are able, Otley Sailing Club has a 'safe system of work':
- we only use qualified experienced staff
- we provide a range of safety equipment for participants' comfort and safety.
- we provide safe equipment for your course.
- we teach to RYA recommendations and guidelines, in small groups.
- we have robust management and safety systems which have been inspected by approved bodies such as the RYA

- we reserve the right to modify or cancel an activity if we feel that there are unmanageable risks.


Our boats and instructors carry public liability insurance, however sailing is a challenging adventure sport and we do not offer cover for any courses in respect of cancellation, curtailment of your course or self-caused accident to yourselves or others, if you are worried about this we recommend that you take out personal insurance.

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