Otley Sailing Club

Powerboat Training

We are a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) registered training centre offering both RYA Powerboat Level 1 & 2 courses together with the RYA Safety Boat course. We are an experienced and successful instructor team who will ensure that you receive safe and practical tuition throughout the course.

Our instructor team is:
Magnus McDonald - Chief Instructor Powerboat & RYA Senior Instructor (Sailing)
Paul Karran - RYA Powerboat Instructor & RYA Senior Instructor (Sailing)
Matt Thomas - RYA Powerboat Instructor & RYA Senior Instructor (Sailing)
Lindsay Thomas - RYA Powerboat Instructor
Martin Clowes - RYA Powerboat Instructor & RYA Dinghy Instructor

RYA Power Boat Level 2

This two day course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of  the International Certificate of Competence. 

The course includes close quarters handling, high speed manoeuvres, man overboard recovery, collision regulations and other theory as specified in the syllabus.

Assumed knowledge None
Otley course duration 2 days (weekend)
Minimum age 12, Candidates under the age of 16 will be issued with an endorsed certificate
Course content

Launching and recovery, boat handling, securing to a buoy, anchoring, leaving and coming alongside, man overboard, theory.

Further information can be found on the RYA website at:  https://www.rya.org.uk/training/courses/level-2-powerboat-handling-pl2c

Ability after the course

Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of craft

RYA Safety Boat

This two-day course provides the skills required when acting as an escort craft, safety boat or coach boat for a fleet of dinghies, windsurfers or canoes, or for racing or training activities.

It includes rescue techniques and elements of race management and mark laying.

Assumed knowledge

Basic understanding of sailing boats and windsurfers. RYA Powerboat Level 2 certificate must be held prior to this course

Minimum duration

2 days

Minimum age


Course content

Preparation, boat handling, dinghy rescue, windsurfer rescue, kayak or canoe rescue (can be covered as theory), towing, end-of-day procedures, safety, suitability of craft, local factors, communication, rescuing other water users. Further information can be found on the RYA website at: 


Ability after the course

Able to provide safety or support cover to a range of craft, particularly sailing dinghies and canoes

Club Certificated Safety Crew Course

This course for is intended to provide safety training to those club members who wish to assist club safety boat drivers in providing safety cover.

This one day course has been designed by the club and is aimed at those members who, whilst not being qualified RYA Level 2 powerboat drivers, want to be able to confidently crew the club’s safety boats (for example during Sunday Family Sessions).

The course will cover the following aspects of Safety Boat Operations and will enable the Safety Boat Crew to assist the powerboat helm in the types of rescues/recovery operations typically experienced at the club

  • Safety Boat Familiarization - RIB and Pioneer      
  • Safety Boat equipment and its uses
  • Personal Clothing and Equipment
  • Basic Knots
  • Safety Boat “Golden Rules”
  • VHF Radio use 
  • Man Overboard recovery techniques for Safety Boat Crews
  • Attending and righting dinghy capsizes
  • Attending and righting canoes /kayaks
An OSC certificate of completion will be awarded at the conclusion of the course.

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